
First dates should always be in daylight but shaded, since the sun is too much at that stage of the game ⦾ But if it has to be at night … well, without the moon we’d be blind, so let it hang there but mute, in the background

A northern star can serve as a guide, but it has to work more as a metaphor for adventure and discovery ⋯ as a practical matter, we all make our own way

There are additional considerations ⦾ Are you taking notes? Without the earth, we’d all float off into space — or fall into it? — so let it stay, but not too close ⦾ And in case you think space is empty, a vacuum, a nothingness to be filled with your obvious metaphors ⋯ well, it’s not, you know ⋯ it’s filthy with stars

So what I was getting to is that the first kiss — sunburned or moonlit or star-crossed or whatever — that first one jacks you straight to the cosmos

The right kiss can pull in half the known universe